
21 April 2004


The birth of the Millennium in 2000 was a memorable event. A great deal of hype and excitement surrounded the leap into the 21 st Century. Many people saw the birth of the new millennium as an opportunity to start afresh, to set not only New Year resolutions but also New Millennium resolutions. The United Nations was therefore not alone when in September 2000 it laid down a set of resolutions at the Millennium Summit.

The summit brought together development agencies, civil organizations and Heads of State from across the world (Prime Minister John Howard attended on behalf of Australia). However, millennium resolutions were different as they concerned not only individuals but also the whole global community. The resolutions, which are still alive, are concerned with freeing all men, women and children in our world from the conditions that tie them to extreme poverty. They are resolutions for the global community to meet in the new millennium. These resolutions were named the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

The United Nations set down eight MDGs with specific targets for each goal. The first goal was
Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
Halve the proportion of people living on less than a dollar a day by 2015.
Halve the proportion of people who suffer from hunger by 2015.

To see the complete list of the MDG’s and reports on progress towards achieving them see the recent edition of “Ozspirit “ (No.78) or for a more comprehensive discussion and analysis of the MDG’s click here.

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