18 August 2005
In all the concern about the threat to human life from terrorism and weapons of mass destruction however, it is frequently overlooked that the overwhelming majority of violent deaths in our world occur through the use of conventional weapons and small arms. Here it is also worth remembering that the five biggest suppliers of arms in the world, in order, are USA, UK, France, Russia and Germany. Together these nations account for 84% of the worlds supply of weapons. Frequently these weapons are supplied or sold to those who openly flaunt international human rights and humanitarian laws, and may even end up in the hands of terrorist groups.
At the recent G8 meeting world leaders at least acknowledged that international standards in arms transfers, including a common understanding of governments' responsibilities, are necessary in order to tackle uncontrolled arms proliferation; however there was no indication of any intention to start negotiations for an international Arms Trade Treaty.
Information about the Arms Trade and the campaign for an Arms Trade Treaty can be found at the Control Arms website.