
15 September 2005


The Australian Catholic Commission for Employment Relations has released a major briefing paper on the workplace relations changes proposed by the Australian Government.

The paper draws upon the long tradition of Catholic Social Teaching in emphasizing the fundamental principle of the dignity of the human person in any discussion of work and employment. This means that employees cannot be treated as commodities nor their labour regarded in purely economic terms. All employees have the right to just minimum wages and safe working conditions and every family the right to sufficient income through work

The discussion paper goes on to express concern at some key elements of the Government's proposals which it says could allow some employers to mistreat employees, lead to lower wages and impose unfair burdens on low-paid workers.

It also argues that the Government's changes to wage-fixing, which will see minimum wages fixed on the basis of the needs of a single adult worker rather than a 'living wage' needed to support dependants, could have a serious effect on families.

The commission's paper also rejects the Government's argument that the removal of unfair dismissal laws for small to medium businesses would generate jobs, and says that removing accountability for those with powers to hire and fire "is to put at risk the legal incentive for some firms to undertake fair and just treatment of their employees".

The full text of the briefing paper is available at the ACCER website.

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