
13 October 2005


The recent UN summit represented a significant failure of leadership according to former Irish President and High Commissioner for Human Rights at the UN, Mary Robinson. In an article in the 'Herald Tribune' she accused world leaders of "failing to address the complex and urgent problems of a 21st-century world that demand shared responsibility and joint action"

At the same time she was heartened by the coming together of like-minded groups from a broad range of civil, business and development agencies with a common commitment to move towards the creation of a more just and secure world.

"What is needed now is concerted effort to fill the gaps that our leaders have left. Civil society, re-energized by the mass protests around the G-8 summit this summer; businesspeople with the vision to see that a secure and healthy world is a better place in which to operate will be critical actors in the times ahead." she said.

"The United Nations is too often blamed for the faults of the governments that constitute it. 'We the peoples of the United Nations,' begins the famous charter. Taking the UN back to the people should be the guiding principle now - letting their energy reshape it for the 21st century." she concluded.

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