
23 February 2006


The Australian Political Ministry Network PolMin has launched its election campaign for the 2007 Australian federal election. PolMin seeks to resource and support people to take local action for the common good. PolMin has also revamped its website and begun a membership drive to encourage grass roots action

PolMin seeks to influence decision makers to uphold Australia’s international human rights obligations, including protecting the rights of asylum seekers and refugees and honouring our commitment to the Millennium Development Goals. It also urges joining with the rest of the international community in facing the reality of climate change which includes signing onto the Kyoto Protocol.

The threat posed to civil liberties from recent anti-terror legislation, the rolling back of rights in the workplace and the ongoing disadvantage experienced by Indigenous Australians are also issues of concern that add weight to the argument for the need for a Bill of Rights in Australia

Accordingly PolMin is hosting a discussion forum called "Hands up for Human Rights" which will present a draft Human Rights Act sponsored by New Matilda

Guest speaker is Professor Spencer Zifcak, President of the Australian section of the International Commission of Jurists. See the Polmin website for further information.

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