24 March 2007
To demonstrate the desire of the public for concrete government action to achieve the Millennium Development Goals, Oxfam Youth leaders of Victoria and Tasmania, of which Sarah is one, are asking active supporters to organise their place of worship/school/community group/family to make an individual banner which can be joined with others to make a single gigantic banner in July at Southbank and Alexandra gardens in Melbourne.
July of this year marks the half-way point to achieving the Millennium Development Goals. Whilst some progress has been made, much more remains to be done. It is more important than ever that that governments commit further energy and resources to achieve these goals through fairer global trade rules, debt relief, and more and better aid, combined with reducing the effects of climate change and political corruption.
As part of the goal to halve extreme poverty by 2015 Australia, along with other developed nations of the world, pledged 0.7 per cent of GNP (Gross National Product) as aid. Sadly, as this bulletin has regularly reported, in practice Australia’s commitment has fallen well short of the level promised.
Participation in the Biggest Banner Record Attempt is a way of reminding the government of its commitment.