
19 June 2007


In September 2000 the Millennium Declaration was adopted by 189 nations and signed by 147 heads of state at the UN Millennium summit.

The eight Millennium Development Goals addressed the major development challenges faced by the global community by setting out measurable targets and indicators to be met over the succeeding fifteen years.

For the first time in history nations of the world agreed on a systematic plan to bring about poverty reduction and achieve sustainable development; our generation therefore became the first with the chance to eradicate poverty.

As July 2007 marks the halfway point to achieving those goals it is worth reflecting on progress to date.

A comprehensive analysis and a simplified summary of progress towards the achieving of the goals reveals a picture of mixed success.

Four factors were identified as being needed to addressed together to ensure success in meeting the Goals. These were the establishment of a global system of Fair Trade; cancellation of the unpayable Debt Burden carried by poor countries; Assistance from wealthy nations in the form of Development Aid (the estimated level of aid needed was O.7% of GNP) and the establishment of systems of good governance in developing nations.

Effective ways of ensuring the government can be held accountable to its commitment to the MDG’s can be found at the Make Poverty History website.

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