
13 November 2007


Edmund Rice International announced its presence in Geneva by successfully staging a symposium entitled "Losing the Head, Finding the Heart", which was attended by Edmund Rice inspired educators responsible for tertiary education in Europe, North America, India, Papua New Guinea, and Australia .

The theme of the symposium was prompted by a recognition that too often those involved in the work of social justice and human rights remain at the head level, preoccupied with ideas, analysis and the search for solutions. Without denying the importance of this approach, it was also seen to be important to engage the heart especially if it is hoped to mobilise more people in the struggle for dignity and justice for all members of the human family.

Over five days, the participants listened to presentations by guest speakers, engaged in open-forum conversations, and made action plans to better promote the Edmund Rice vision of education as a catalyst for social justice and human rights.

The main outcomes of the symposium were the drafting of a Statement expressing the participants’ support for Edmund Rice International and the establishment of a process leading to the formation of a Working Group to provide guidance and assistance to Edmund Rice International in developing a relevant and effective advocacy focus especially around the right to education one of the fundamental rights set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.


Chairman Professor Muredach Dynan and one of the speakers Irish diplomat Dr Noel Dorr, at the symposium

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