22 February 2008
Originally the group planned to divide its time between Kenya and Tanzania but with the eruption of post-election violence in Kenya the program was rescheduled to spend the four weeks in Tanzania.
Participants were assigned in small groups to two different placements around Arusha which included Edmund Rice Secondary School; a centre for street children; a remand centre for juvenile offenders; a school catering for children with special needs – visual and hearing impairment, autism etc; an English language Primary School and a kindergarten.

Shivaun teaching at the English-medium primary school

Joining in the games at the orphanage
In addition the group attended a session of the Rwandan War Crimes Trials" (an A/V presentation and a talk were included as part of the visit) and visited the Mkombozi Centre for Street Children in Arusha which as well as delivering a range of services to street children also undertakes research and advocacy in relation to the issues affecting children and young people.
The group also visited a children’s orphanage, St Jude’s a school for poor children commenced by an Australian volunteer), met with representatives of Food, Water Shelter - another initiative for children commenced by a group of Australian volunteers including three former ANZERVS volunteers, and conducted an Edmund Rice Camp in conjunction with senior students from Edmund Rice Secondary School.

Learning about the Food, Water, Shelter project