
22 February 2008


A new justice website for the Edmund Rice Network in Aotearoa (New Zealand) was launched recently. The Edmund Rice Justice site is "for people who care about Social Justice issues and want to get involved in making a difference in our world." It contains information about current issues, events and actions.

In North America, Br Kevin Cawley, Province co-ordinator for Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation produces a "Carbon Rangers Bulletin" which contains news, stories and links relating to the challenge of global warming and climate change from the individual and community level through to the international level.

The latest bulletin contains information about the recent Climate Change Conference in Bali, Indonesia. Those interested in subscribing to the bulletins can email Kevin directly.

The urgency of the global warming issue has again recently been underlined in Australia by the publication of the Garnaut Report in which the government’s chief advisor on climate change argues that greenhouse gas emissions need to be cut by 90% by 2050 to avert the most devastating effects of climate change.

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