11 December 2008
In a campaign spearheaded by Caritas Internationalis representing a network of Catholic charities, and CIDSE an international network of catholic development agencies, delegates to the Poznan conference were called upon to take responsibility for urgent climate change action which reflected the needs of poor and developing nations.
This would include the provision by industrialised countries of sufficient and secure support for developing countries to help them adapt to the impacts of climate change, and it would also include the commitment by these countries to at least a 30-40 percent cut in greenhouse gas emissions by 2020, based on 1990 levels.
Unfortunately there are some signs that some countries may be backing away from such a target. Avaaz is currently conducting a lobbying campaign to urge the German Chancellor in particular to maintain her commitment to combating climate change.
Whilst the urgency of the need to address climate change has been pushed into the background by the current financial crisis, there are still many voices pointing out that the threat of climate change is far more serious to the long-term well-being of the planet.
The CIDSE website provides an opportunity for you to add a symbolic plant to the field of change and tell political leaders to work for an international agreement which tackles both the causes and effects of climate change.