10 March 2010
In 2002 the Edmund Rice Centre led an important effort to bring clarity to the national debate through the publication of the accessible fact-sheet: Debunking the Myths on Asylum Seekers.
In view of some recent comments by political leaders the Centre has judged it necessary to revisit the topic to once again bring a factual spotlight to the debate for this coming election year. The publication "Debunking the myths about asylum seekers in 2010" is available for download at the above website.
Myth 1 : Australia is being inundated by people in boats.
Fact: This is false. 1 800 boat people have sought asylum in Australia in 2009. This number is tiny when compared to other countries. Even given an increase in 2009, the annual average number of boat arrivals to Australia is tiny in comparison to the 50,000 people that over-stay their visas each year, or when taking into account that on average 95% of asylum seekers actually arrive in Australia by plane.
Click on the link to the Edmund Rice Centre to read about more of the myths.