25 April 2012
National Recociliation Week is celebrated across Australia each year between 27 May and 3 June. The dates commemorate two significant milestones in the reconciliation journey:-
- the anniversary of the successful 1967 referendum which saw over 90 per cent of Australians vote to give the Commonwealth the power to make laws for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and recognise them in the national census, and
- the 1992 High Court Mabo decision which legally recognised that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have a special relationship to the land that existed prior to colonisation and still exists today. This recognition paved the way for land rights called Native Title.
The theme for this year is Let’s Talk Recognition which has a focus on how Australians can better recognise each other, and recognise the contributions, cultures and histories of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
Some suggestions for marking the day include
· Hosting a BBQ and cooking with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander spices
· Playing Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander music in your workplace or classroom
· Starting a recognition wall (link this to the praise people action item)
· Purchasing an artwork for your office, school or university.
Visit the National Recociliation Week website for more information and suggestions about the day.