30 January 2015
The message of this day is more relevant than ever given the ever widening gap between the poorest and wealthiest in our world. As the recent Oxfam report indicates, if present trends continue 1% of the world’s population will own as much as the combined wealth of the other 99% by 2016!
Oxfam is calling on government to adopt a seven point plan to tackle inequality:
- Clamp down on tax dodging by corporations and rich individuals
- Invest in universal, free public services such as health and education
- Share the tax burden fairly, shifting taxation from labour and consumption towards capital and wealth
- Introduce minimum wages and move towards a living wage for all workers
- Introduce equal pay legislation and promote economic policies to give women a fair deal
- Ensure adequate safety-nets for the poorest, including a minimum income guarantee
- Agree a global goal to tackle inequality.
Pope Francis has repeated the calls of his predecessors and regularly spoken of the need to address inequality.